November 27, 2007

Movies and U

Aha... This sounds something new when compared to the other posts ;)

Why do we watch movies? Entertainment? Time pass? Why why why?

Well basically all watch movies for entertainment and time pass. Well at least I do ...

But sometimes one ends up involving the movie so much that one tries to identify oneself with one of the characters.

Hm....this is something to worry about. May be the actor is so good that you feel that the person is going through that emotion in reality. Hats of them ...

Have we ever though how they are feeling playing that role? Do they have that "hangover" even after the shot? One always wonders..

May be the movies bring out one's hidden desires which can't be expressed. Well whatever it was a very long time since I connected with the characters. I happened to watch You've got mail staring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan all over again 4 times in the past 2 weeks.

Adding to that I happened to watch Jab We Met, a Hindi movie starring Shahid KApoor and Kareena Kapoor , may be 6-7 times...I've lost count in just a matter of 3 days ...

Surprised? Well that's what I call connecting oneself with the character. Which character I connected is left your imagination.

See ya until next time...

November 23, 2007

Once Upon A Time.....

Today I am not just going to write. I'm going to tell you all the readers a story. Let me know how you feel.

Almost a year back,two people studying in the same institute,(at least one)who thought that their thinking matched, became very good friends. They confided all their feelings in each other(at least one did). One was with the other while the other was feeling low. There were times when one almost gave up ones other friend for the friendship of this one. Things went on very well(at least it looked like that) for almost five months. Even when one did not approve of the other at times, it didn't matter at that time.

It was a few days after the new year day. Something came up. One of them was irritated to the core. So told something even though no obscene language was used. The damage was done. That person apologized over and over again. The other became cold. The person didn't want to continue the friendship. The other accepted the fact. Moved on in life. But the one who didn't want any friendship in the beginning started to try to speak. The other hesitated. The person didn't want another problem to creep up. Tried keeping away. But the constant trying from the other softened this person. Was getting confused as to what he/she wanted... Become friends again or just be acquaintance and keep a healthy relationship? The person left it to time. Was ready to go with the tide and accept whatever happens.

And then...they happened to work in a group for an event in the institute. Some unpleasant incidences. Truce was called in. Two days later, again exchange of unpleasant words. Went to the extent of using obscene language which was never used in one's life. The situation is to the extent that they can't look into each other's face.

Now coming back, why did this happen? What is the solution? I believe that there is no solution. The situation is that worse.

November 2, 2007

Working under Stress...??

Well it's sometime now that the college has announced the schedule for the placements. I think this is the most stressful time during one's stay in a college and that too in a PG college where everyone wants the best whether interested or not interested in the business a company is in.

So what is stress?

This is what I perceive. It is the strain of mind one experiences or an emotional strain. You can call it as tension or burnout or what ever name you want to give it. The mind doesn't seem to cooperate with you and your behavior with people changes. One tends to get agitated, get angry at small issues, get into an unhealthy arguments. Friends become foes. You don't know whom to talk to. One of my professors was telling about the placement months in the campus. He used to tell this. The best of friends become best of enemies. I wondered whether he was exaggerating things. Now I realize what he meant. Small things will lead you to argument. One sees oneself in argument with people to whom you never spoke to. Let alone friends.
"Friends" are a different issue. You can't argue with them. You will have to keep every damn thing in ones mind. That's too difficult and dangerous. It might ruin the relationship beyond repair. My friend advises me to keep away from argument. Its difficult One need to take out all the frustrations out. What to do? There is a saying in Kannada. One can neither keep the hot ghee in ones mouth not can he spit it out.

So how to control? Is it possible?

Answering the above two questions is not possible. At least from me. There are people speaking about stress management. People also say yoga is a good method to keep it under control. I haven;t experienced it yet. Not the I am a regularly practice yoga. One has to be regular in doing it. Well is there any other means for that? I don't know. You should tell me.

Working under Stress

Working under stress is no child's play. One needs to cope up with things. One should know how to handle stress. Not all can do this. One can breakdown at any point of time. The current business scenarios demand people to work and deliver under stress. However the question remains. Does one deliver his best under stress? Does the quality of work remains the same with and without stress?

By the way, wikipedia has a nice write up on this topic. Have a peek if time permits. It is a good read. I have given the link to that article on wikipedia.

If anybody finds out a way to overcome stress, do let me know.

22 November 2007
Well I thought it was unnecessary to post another blog to provide another link relating to stress which happened to appear in a newspaper today. Hope this adds some value to this article.

October 30, 2007

Confused....... :(

Well after a long time I felt like updating my blog. this means I am feeling a strong emotion that is making me post this write up.
Its been almost 11 months since I had a misunderstanding with once a "good friend". But I have lived with the fact that that relationship would never be what it was earlier. Or is it me who doesn't want that to happen again?
Whatever may be the reason, I am torn between two opposite and contrasting emotions.. indifference and friendship. But the former is intense. But when that person is in front of me, I tend to listen. It stretches to an hour. I just don't get bored. But sometimes...what I call, in my senses, I just hate to speak to that person. Nor in person nor on messengers. I get irritated. I don't have the energy nor the patience to listen. I start having this "don't care" attitude.I am confused as to what I want .Do I want the friendship? Or am I better off without that?
Man...I ate a chocolate with a net weight of 16gm which is rich in fat...I have to burn so much of calories!!!

June 16, 2007


Well I did not think even in my dreams that one day, I will have to take back my words. Sometime back ,I myself, in this very same blog had posted about changing relations. But never did I think that one day I will have to go through that change myself.

Someone rightly said that change is the only permanent thing on this earth. How very true. But the transition phase sometimes becomes painful. Dr. Spencer in his book "Who moved my cheese? " puts it in a beautiful way:

" The more important your cheese is to you the more you want to hold on to it"

The more we are with a person or in a place or may be a situation, the more complacent we become; the more resistant one becomes to change; more fear builds up towards changes.

Dr.Spencer goes on to say " When you move beyond your fear, you feel free."

This can, in my opinion can only be done by noticing changes at its smallest level and try to quickly adapt to that change.

One will have to change along with the change if not before the change.

I suggest reading this book if you can get hold of one.....

But is it possible to accept a change in the relationship one shares with the other might be in friendship or something else......

Well one of the possible ways could be to try and be more professional.....

But it is easier said than done....

March 2, 2007

Team Work???

I had a tough time deciding where to post this or in Mixed Bag. Thought I'll do another write up separately for that blog in the days to come.

Working with a group of complete strangers is an experience in itself. Everyone's unique...It gives an exposure to the different personalities exisiting in this vast world. It is a challenge.There will be difference in opinions leading to ego clashes....The challege becomes bigger when one has to work with a person with whom one doesn't share a good relationship...when one shares a bad experience with one of the group members.

It is when the true quality of a team player comes into light. Mixing personal issues with professional life is not the way to work in a group. This is from experience...Have seen people doing it...have done it once myself....I decided to work with entirly a different group while I have experienced the behaviour of the group members in the group.

Lets see the task at hand. While some members work, the others are idle. The reasons are many. The members might not be competitive enough to solve the cases given or there is unwillingness to work. The members get annoyed when the attitude is that of latter...when they are unwilling to work...

When it comes to the organisation, the scene is somewhat same. The people who work, work. But people who don't,also get the credit which puts the morale of the people working sincerely down.

So where do we go from here? Its time to for introspection and see to it that they don't make the lives of people so miserable....

February 17, 2007

Changing Relations...

It was hard to believe .....The two good friends ended their friendship in a matter of a few minutes....Reason?? Some small and silly reason.Both were lost in their own thoughts.One said something.The other interpreted something else....

Or was it only a reason to move away? Only they can answer...

Another instance...

One wants a change....wants to meet people...don't want to be with the people whom he/she had once considered as friends....the farther one is from one's friend ,the better...the conflicts are less..the friendship remains...(does it??)

But there is a hitch in this. The other 'group members' don't like the what can you do?Give excuses for not being with them....

Friendship is a special feeling one has towards the other where one can speak one's mind without bothering what the other thinks. Its not only about having one's breakfast or lunch or dinner with the other. Its something more than that....

But,yet the differences arise in the best of friends.Hence someone rightly said “True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side.”

Change is a part and parcel of life.Change is the only thing which is permanent.One cannot expect a person to remain the same what he/she was a year back. There is growth,change in looking at things in a different light.It not only applies to friendship but also in other relationships.

“We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.” Maugham

People make new acquaintances which may or may not turn into a friendship. Those acquaintances might turn out to become a strong friendship...everybody has to be given a chance....

"A new friendship is like an unripened fruit - it may become either an orange or a lemon" - Emma Stacey

Relations change...

Acquaintances become friends....friends become acquaintances....

According to my good old friend, friendship goes through 3 phases or stages.

In the first stage, one tends to see only the virtues.

In the second phase, one would have gotten over the initial high, but now only tend to see the faults of a friend..most of the times, friendships end at this stage.

If the friendship survives the second stage, one sees the friend for exactly what he/she is for and it is the most beautiful phase.One will have great levels of understanding and everything will be fabulous..

"Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, but somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.........."

February 14, 2007

Dreams...a conversation...

With due permission from my good old friend, I have posted the converstion exactly the way it went about....I thought this would add some value to my previous post and answer some of the queries which were posed to me...
Me: I got to writing this about dream because whenever I sleep in the afternoon I wake up very disturbed....I remember bits n pieces of the dream...
its been so for the past 2-3 days....
you get to do things which you would avoid doing in the real world...
for example..having fun with a person whom you would like to avoid...
n the funniest part is that once you get up disturbed and try going back to continues from the place where I had got up...
My good old friend: oh yes.. there is nothing weird about it.
It happens to me all the time too.
But it definitely is a waste of time!
Me: true..
My good old friend: I have refused to get up several times only because I have wanted to see the logical conclusion of a dream, but it's not like a movie you know... it doesn't always have logical have to derive your own conclusions from them...
Me: even I have tried that...
but its not possible...
I've forced myself to continue sleeping and wanted to know..
Me: but here your brain works in 2 ways...
the sub conscious mind n the conscious mind..
My good old friend: yes indeed.
Me: they don't like each other you see..
My good old friend: I agree. That's what nestedminds is all about...
nestedminds=mind within a mind
Me: yeah I've seen that..
My good old friend: It comes from a programming terminology.
Me: But that comes from the behaviour of humans..
My good old friend: A bracket within a bracket is called a nested bracket, a loop within a loop is a nested loop, a condition that is within another is a nested condition... therefore a mind within another is a nested mind!
Me: with you permission can I post this??
My good old friend: post what?
Me: our conversation...on dream...
My good old friend: Go right ahead. If you feel its blog-worthy!
Me: thanks!!

February 13, 2007

While You Were Sleeping.....

Dreams.....what to say about dreams? Everyone is very much aware of that. One Dreams about so many thing that it becomes impossible to keep track of them. The funniest part is that one rarely remembers what he/she dreamt about.

One dreams when he/she is into deep sleep. However deep may be the sleep, the sub-conscious mind is very active during these hours. It reflects our deep,hidden , unfulfilled desires. Some times it also reflects our fears which we all know by the name nightmare. nightmares are the one which one remembers in detail... But why?

According to science A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep []

Or is it something more? Extending my previous post, is it something that is trying to warn us of the future?Or is it just another activity of the homan mind??

There are so many questions unanswered...

February 9, 2007

Sixth Sense?

Remember the time when you are walking alone in an allyway and felt that someone is following you?

Remember the time whe you are writing your examination paper with full concentration and you felt as though someone is peeping into the paper you are writing and lift up your head only to find your professor peeping into your answer paper?

What will you call it? Intution? Fore boding? Hunch ?Foresight into the future?Well does it really exists? I don't know about that.But I have had quite a good number of experiences..

I shall share a few incidents ...

It was in my 8th grade. I imagined myself being punished by my English teacher for not taking my grammar book to the class...was made to stand outside the class.Days passed by...A week also passed. I had almost forgotten about that dream.Then one fine day I was the same teacher ...for the same reason

For a few days, I was very uncomfortable beign with one of my good friends. I was very apprehensive about our friendship. A few days later we had misunderstandings regarding some trivial matter.

As a matter of fact, if I go back into my memories, I remember writing this article sometime back in the past....

February 8, 2007

The beginning...

Exactly a month back at around 9.00 pm,I was chatting with a very good friend of mine who is a 1000 km away from the place I stay.

In between the conversation he suggested me to start blogging.Well I wasn't sure that I could write .He said that I had that hidden Scribe.....A born Graphologist....

Now I wasn't sure ....asked what could I write about....

Anything and everything...came the answer in a second.... I started wondering ....had an urge for writing article for the newspapers for the past few days ....

This would be a great exposure to media....

OK...I took the call...i shall also start blogging...

After a few days,my good old friend asked for the link to my blog...

Oho...I haven't created one...

I said..'I'm a little busy with my academics..will create one and let you know...

I have had the opportunity to procrastinate till today.....

Its 8AM and I am posting my first ever blog....