February 17, 2007

Changing Relations...

It was hard to believe .....The two good friends ended their friendship in a matter of a few minutes....Reason?? Some small and silly reason.Both were lost in their own thoughts.One said something.The other interpreted something else....

Or was it only a reason to move away? Only they can answer...

Another instance...

One wants a change....wants to meet people...don't want to be with the people whom he/she had once considered as friends....the farther one is from one's friend ,the better...the conflicts are less..the friendship remains...(does it??)

But there is a hitch in this. The other 'group members' don't like the change...so what can you do?Give excuses for not being with them....

Friendship is a special feeling one has towards the other where one can speak one's mind without bothering what the other thinks. Its not only about having one's breakfast or lunch or dinner with the other. Its something more than that....

But,yet the differences arise in the best of friends.Hence someone rightly said “True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side.”

Change is a part and parcel of life.Change is the only thing which is permanent.One cannot expect a person to remain the same what he/she was a year back. There is growth,change in looking at things in a different light.It not only applies to friendship but also in other relationships.

“We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.” Maugham

People make new acquaintances which may or may not turn into a friendship. Those acquaintances might turn out to become a strong friendship...everybody has to be given a chance....

"A new friendship is like an unripened fruit - it may become either an orange or a lemon" - Emma Stacey

Relations change...

Acquaintances become friends....friends become acquaintances....

According to my good old friend, friendship goes through 3 phases or stages.

In the first stage, one tends to see only the virtues.

In the second phase, one would have gotten over the initial high, but now only tend to see the faults of a friend..most of the times, friendships end at this stage.

If the friendship survives the second stage, one sees the friend for exactly what he/she is for and it is the most beautiful phase.One will have great levels of understanding and everything will be fabulous..

"Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, but somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.........."

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