February 9, 2007

Sixth Sense?

Remember the time when you are walking alone in an allyway and felt that someone is following you?

Remember the time whe you are writing your examination paper with full concentration and you felt as though someone is peeping into the paper you are writing and lift up your head only to find your professor peeping into your answer paper?

What will you call it? Intution? Fore boding? Hunch ?Foresight into the future?Well does it really exists? I don't know about that.But I have had quite a good number of experiences..

I shall share a few incidents ...

It was in my 8th grade. I imagined myself being punished by my English teacher for not taking my grammar book to the class...was made to stand outside the class.Days passed by...A week also passed. I had almost forgotten about that dream.Then one fine day I was punished...by the same teacher ...for the same reason

For a few days, I was very uncomfortable beign with one of my good friends. I was very apprehensive about our friendship. A few days later we had misunderstandings regarding some trivial matter.

As a matter of fact, if I go back into my memories, I remember writing this article sometime back in the past....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heard there's an explanation 4 this....hapns so every now n then wimme.
or does t run in d family line? lol