December 25, 2009

New Place..New after 6 months..

After my somewhat uneventful year in one of the branches of the organization in which I work in, I was transferred to another office. It is supposed to be the "most prestigious" branches of the organization. I was all so excited. I thought ,"Ok I will be doing something worthwhile here at least." So started the journey. Initially all went right. I got to look into a department which I had no prior exposure. I was so excited. 6months passed by. I have been going home late since I came to this "new place". It was ok. I had something new everyday to learn. Not many were keen on me working in that profile except the Head. As long the as the branch head was ok with it, I didn't mind whether others liked it or not.

And then came a day which I never expected that it would come so early. My boss was transferred and came in a new person. The day he has set foot in the office, he has brought in so many changes. I do agree change is the 'mantra' of life. But such a drastic change. All of a sudden I was entrusted with the same old job what I had been doing in my old work place. Not only that, the work place has become so intolerable that one has to take permission even to stand or sit. You are expected to do each and every work and not only that you are not given the freedom to express yourself. Once you do that you are a rebel.

You are not allowed to think differently. Once you start curbing the thinking ability of a person, it becomes hard to work there anymore. Is it that the way I think is way too ahead of the organization's pace? Why should someone be so conservative and restrict the growth of the employees? Are they jealous? Do they fear something? If so what? Let us also understand.

May 11, 2009


Today I am in a completely different mood than that of the last post. Reason ? Its the people who make you happy or sad or irritated. Its the atmosphere you work in. I'm feeling as though there's no other better place to work in.

It all started when my boss decided to go on a week's leave. I was very apprehensive as to who will be taking his place in his absence to oversee the day to day work. However I was proved wrong. I wasn't convinced on the first day. Was a little conscious/reserved while approaching him. But the coming days were a pleasant surprise.

I guess I have a new friend or a "buddy" at work now. It has been like an oasis in the desert. Never expected someone here. Especially where the organization is mostly made up of people who are older to you and are not interested in making friends but giving orders and are not happy with whatever you do. Although I know a couple of people of my age, I've never felt like speaking to them about certain topics. It would be mostly about work. I can't help smiling at people now.May be it was months that I smiled from my heart at work. The day begins with a good note and ends with good memories to cherish. The last one week is like I've never expected at this place...

To put it in my friend's words, I hope that this friendship becomes a "big banyan tree".

Is this all in our mind? Is our approach different to different people? Why can't we behave in a similar manner with everyone? Is that where the individuality/personality comes into picture?

Well good things won't last for ever. But memories do. And so does a good friend...

P.S : So many things to share but unable to express it with words. Might have edited this post a hundred times....

May 2, 2009

Work place crap...

Many might be astonished or frown upon the caption ..but thats how i am feeling at my current place of work. Some might even say that I am lucky enough to have a job.

But I say I would have been be better off with out a job like this. And the problem is got to do nothing with the people with whom I work with. Its the people who come to the workplace.

OK .I know Im confusing everybody here. So let me give a brief background about my job. I am working in a Nationalized Bank. Yes I know I have nothing to complain about. But the truth is since it is a nationalized bank, all sort of people come to the bank. Rich and poor(middle class toowho are in small no.), Arrogant, hot headed, egoistic,and down to earth, literate, semi-literate(ya that exists too!!) illiterate people.

Category 1 : Rich , arrogant,egoistic, semi literate(or semi illiterate??) illiterate

Category 2 : Middle class , arrogant,egoistic, semi literate, illiterate

Category 3 : Rich, down-to-earth, literate(so no other handicap) - not many such people

So whats the problem? The people who come to the bank( most of them) belong to category 1 & 2 . Very dangerous people. Impossible to satisfy them. They don't care what work you are doing. They have to be ' served' first. Even if you are attending to other customers.

For them money speaks. They look at people as though the bank employees are a piece of rag. Ive been to banks as a customer. Ive not treated any one like that.

Had an exchange of heated words with one of the above described people. I almost threw the cheque at him. Had an itching of throwing it into the face. Well didn't do that. I regret that.

I know that the organizations want that customer service to be excellent and all that crap. But how far can one push in the name of customer service ? If the mistake is at our end, ok we accept and take the blame. But what if its from the other end? Who is going to listen to us?

Customer cant always be the king. Nor can the management dictate for a long time. This is where attrition starts. One might say this is not the time to say all this because of the market condition. Sometimes the frustration becomes so much that one start thinking that one is better of not having a job.....

I know a lot of people disagree with me....