May 13, 2008


I do not know whether I have titled this post appropriately or not. However I hope the post gives a fair idea what I have to say.

People form opinions of their own. For example, one tends to judge a person just my looking at him/her. They pass judgements without actually knowing them personally or not even speaking to them. This also happens when people form their opinion based on ones profession.

Well to be frank this happened to me just a few minutes back. The profession in which one of my friends is of that sort. I havent met for quite a good number of years. I thought him to have become a serious kind of a guy. Now that I have spoken to him a good number of times, I realised that I was wrong.

This might happen toanyone.What you perceive need not be true. For example, we meet so many people everyday. We tend to pass judgements. It might sound something like this; he looks so serious..will my work be done? That professor is so intimidating. How will I approach him personally.

It might extend to our peer groups itself. He looks so haughty. I don't want to talk to him. She looks so dumb, I don't want to be acquainted with dumb people.

Looks deceive. May be that dumb girl is the most intelligent person in that class. That haughty guy is the most sweetest person you might have ever known.

The best thing is speak to the person;whatever he/she might be. Then decide.

A word of caution......You Might Have Been Right While Judging. There are people out there who act that they are the people to be with. Don't fall into that trap as I have been into once or twice in my life. They pretend to be your well wishers. But they might not trust your judgement when you have will have this 6th sense or hunch or whatever. Listen to that.

All the best . .

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