March 2, 2007

Team Work???

I had a tough time deciding where to post this or in Mixed Bag. Thought I'll do another write up separately for that blog in the days to come.

Working with a group of complete strangers is an experience in itself. Everyone's unique...It gives an exposure to the different personalities exisiting in this vast world. It is a challenge.There will be difference in opinions leading to ego clashes....The challege becomes bigger when one has to work with a person with whom one doesn't share a good relationship...when one shares a bad experience with one of the group members.

It is when the true quality of a team player comes into light. Mixing personal issues with professional life is not the way to work in a group. This is from experience...Have seen people doing it...have done it once myself....I decided to work with entirly a different group while I have experienced the behaviour of the group members in the group.

Lets see the task at hand. While some members work, the others are idle. The reasons are many. The members might not be competitive enough to solve the cases given or there is unwillingness to work. The members get annoyed when the attitude is that of latter...when they are unwilling to work...

When it comes to the organisation, the scene is somewhat same. The people who work, work. But people who don't,also get the credit which puts the morale of the people working sincerely down.

So where do we go from here? Its time to for introspection and see to it that they don't make the lives of people so miserable....


complexvanilla said...

Ego clashes are common in project teams and it is up to the members and not just the leader, to bring in a sense of order. Expecting every body to be friendly with all the other members is not exactly realistic. While friendships are not required, a professional outlook is very essential. Sometimes, team members don't perform to their true potential because of low morale. It then becomes the team leader and/or the other team-members to pep-up the person. The show has to go on. This has to ingrained in all the members. However, every basket has its rotten apples, and sometimes we are faced with people who are either totally inept, or worse, indifferent. It then becomes a true challenge to handle such elements. The leader has to give an ultimatum to such a person to get his gear in line, failing which harshness need not be spared.

Anonymous said...

The basic truths of life are all very simple...and the good part is (giving lee-way for few situational eccentricities)its nearly always applicable in all works of life....
1)its important to live in the moment ...carpe diem (its important to carry the lessons from the past and not the whole baggage of experience)
2)and trying not being judgemental about others....because we might not have all the relevent facts at our disposal to be absolutely objective...we can admit in our modest way saying we arn't omniscient and hence reserve the judgement on others
I guess ....then everything rest fall in place