February 6, 2011

A day's fancy to write an article.

I woke up yesterday morning and started having a weird desire: to write an article for a newspaper. And before submitting to any of the newspapers in the city, ask the opinion for a friend who also happens to be my colleague. I drove my two wheeler with full enthusiasm to work . Had never been so excited to go to work on any other day. And then, once I entered the office, I had the enlightenment of not having the topic to start writing let alone the article.

But the spirits didn't die. I though; "O I have my blog. Why not try keeping it alive before I start venturing into new waters. " So the next question was what to write on my blog? "Lets see. By the end of today, I might be able to pick up a topic which might not sound so boring. "

After I came home , I completely forgot about that. And again yesterday night, I found myself searching the web for tips to write an article and make one's blog popular.

I started writing a mail to a good friend sharing this one day's excitement. Then it suddenly occurred. Why don't I share the same experience? This is what you write on a blog right? On a personal blog where you have shared so may experiences. This is one of them.

So here I am writing my blog once again with full enthusiasm. Let me see how much spirit I have in me to continue this.

Never say die.....