September 22, 2008

Point of View..or is it View Point??

Well for quite sometime I have been sharing my personal experiences on this blog which I intend to continue. ;) .So please bear with me. I do hope this might be of some use to those who by chance read this blog.

Well now that I have started working, I have realized that its a new experience every other day. Especially for those who come into contact with the general public. One sees all type of people. Good, bad, nice, rough, rude, rowdies etc, etc.

What I see one act as wrong, the other might see it right, especially when some one who can't imagine to be in in your position.

Lets take an example. A banker has to take the brunt of the customers for those things which are not in his hands. The customer feels as though we are not doing any work and are here for troubling them.

But we have have our own constraints. We have to follow the rules and regulations set by the higher ups and will be answerable if we divert from those standards. We have to get the shouting from the customer who doesn't understand out problem and are not ready to listen to in the first place. On the other hand, its the people at the higher ups who don't understand problems on the field and take actions against the staff at a branch.

Its easier said than done and ask people to have patience with such people. But my question is how? and how long?? aren't we human beings? Don't we have emotions? Or are we just robots to not to display any emotions? Why are the people called public/government servants? Hasn't the days of working as a servant gone??